
Erré - Ere

Category: Race
Species: Rider

Clothing Style: Ancient Greek or Roman Garb
Primary: Gold ; Secondary: White

Ere are the only inhabitants that can appear entirely human in shape, though many have soft pastel skin akin to flowers. More than anything else, they value knowledge. They boast the largest library in all of Eredia, and certainly the largest physical library between Eredia and Shérok (it’s hard to compete with digital libraries). Due to the limited space of the library, recreational books are not permitted within its walls. It’s all historical tomes, scientific studies, researcher’s notes, and magical findings.

Ere Culture & Politics

The Ere are led by a council who host hundreds of souls. The living host is the one who takes the prominent role in communication, but the memories and thoughts of each spirit can be called at will. When calling upon multiple spirits, they will typically identify as female. More than anything else, they value knowledge. They boast the largest library in all of Eredia, and certainly the largest physical library between Eredia and Shérok (it’s hard to compete with digital libraries). Due to the limited space of the library, recreational books are not permitted within its walls. It’s all historical tomes, scientific studies, researcher’s notes, and magical findings. Their mandatory schooling includes not just magic but mathematics, science, literature, history, and so on. They believe that a variety of knowledge is just as crucial—if not more crucial—than physical health.

Because of all this, they have incredibly prominent guests that come to ask for legal counsel. Their architecture greatly resembles that of ancient Rome or Greece. They have the largest forum of all islands and host frequent festivals. It’s sometimes said that there’s a festival any time the council wants to drink. In any case, the Ere tend to be quiet towards outsiders, but will open up if food or gifts are involved.

Ere Religion & History

Unlike the other island gods, Ere is not seen as a single presence. All of the Ere host a small part of her power, which is returned to her upon their death. The more spirits you possess, the closer you are to using her power. Eventually, you end up with someone who has hundreds of souls. These ‘people’ serve on the council for hundreds or thousands of years, with each legion switching hosts every century or so. Each of these council members can speak on behalf of their god, Ere, and display enough power to be called a god in and of themselves. They can be killed like any mortal, and if they are outside of Ere d’la Mer’s boundaries, the legion will disperse entirely. As long as Ere inhabit the island, it is possible for a new legion to form and replace the one that was lost.

Ere is capable of some incredibly frightening feats. She can possess not just one but many living people at once. Along with that, she’s capable of reading the minds of others. The only people outside of her control are ones actively protected by Tsotska. She also has no command over simple animals or dragons beyond the ones her hosts bond to. Among the ‘living’ gods, she is undoubtedly the strongest, and she isn’t afraid to wield this power to intimidate her enemies.  

Ere Magic

Despite their subtle differences from the humanoids of Shérok and the Chronoscape, they do seem to have powerful magic abilities. The souls of the dead will attach to the living, which makes the oldest of the Ere a conglomerate of souls. The appearance of her spirits ranges from wispy tendrils to dainty butterflies to terrifying amalgations--all depending on the perception of the one viewing her. On top of this passive magic granted to them by their god, they train in an extensive variety of magical arts.  

The most prominent of their skills lie in healing magicks. They can cure many illnesses, heal many wounds, and identify the physical causes of many ailments. Combined with their anatomical knowledge and excellent surgeons, it’s where you need to go if you want an illness addressed. Even if their magic has no effect, they will take you in, pamper you, and research all of your symptoms in an attempt to save you and others. Beyond this, they practice simple magic. Lighting up small areas, levitating small objects, creating illusions, and so on are all within their power. Explosions and lightning bolts are not. They use wands of various materials (ranging from wood to bone to programmed devices) to channel their magical power.

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